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Canada - Spectacular Day or Night - © Philomena Hughes MPA

Monday, January 16, 2023

PPOC BC Print & Pint Night

Print & Pint Night 2023

Let’s get together


Join us for our Print and Pint Evening on January 16, 7:00 PM PST. Zoom Link to follow after registration.

This will be a virtual evening with a few of our judges who will conduct a few rounds of image critique. This is a great way to see what the judges look for and how you can improve your images before entering.

This is a single session that we will be hosting. Members, please submit your images to bcinterior@ppoc.ca follow the rules laid out on the https://www.ppoc.ca/members/natiional competition.php .

This event is free for members however, registration is still required so we know you are coming. :-)

Non-members welcome for $25/ticket. Students attend free with coupon code.

We hope you’re able to join us!

Eventbrite Link:   https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/print-and-pint-night-4301-0021-tickets-491313410637?aff=odeccpebemailcampaigns&utm_source=eventbrite&utm_medium=ebcampaigns&utm_campaign=12660829&utm_term=ctabutton&mipa=ABIdvVueVfoLw0khuj06kLQzc50RuTF4vAGNcw-F-Lsy4exOPg90Lo3awvp4J8r-lzzLIufxr8b36r6KlxxX81EKHpB7PVzNCCr5HJ2jdLlcP_PaTQRUVyWV4SDiljG1zgw1vzCkKSEno9Flmysot4wiCKWn3yusgC1WMPAG6VJFo-AilsGwIwEU7BnIDRlmoGcfCAQpzpQyMy-SZR5FCUBwKkFqnmsMDpxzzMeRwjCNzVzFPKAyzqhyiB0bv4JAF9z6hm3ELDFN8CHF3eol3Veu3xcf2CSfDQ



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